In these extraordinary times of change, including working from home when you are not accustomed to it, it can have it’s challenges and it's benefits.
Some challenges can be matters of dealing with personal & cultural changes which impact immediately, by working or being in relative isolation compared to the environment where you may be part of a team and are used to chitting and chatting to problem solve, or just pass the tea break times away in contact with your colleagues and friends.
All of a sudden you maybe doing this alone, and connecting by video conf, email and telephone with colleagues that you would normally communicate with in less restrictive ways.
However, some will be used to working this way already, and some won't, some will now not be working at all, some will be operating under furlough, some will not, some will be able to claim some .Gov relief, others like us won't and can not.
Some will be busier than ever before, and key workers including our incredible NHS staff and other core services teams will be highly stressed and utterly worn out from fighting for those in the most dire medical needs, but they must go on and remain strong and focused, so why shouldn't we?
However, importantly, for some such as the less fortunate, life will hardly have changed or perhaps become more challenging. Such as for those without family or friends, those who are homeless, and some of the elderly who live day to day alone, and are always isolated with no outside contact, and for those with mental health challenges, so, always think twice.
In these unnatural times, sometimes it's useful to pause, think, and reflect back to nature and how it naturally deals with constant issues, changes and challenges, and how it's objectives for survival and focus in achieving this remain always resilient.
As an example of resilience in our local nature & wildlife, Phil (as we called him and pictured below) and his lovely partner have survived several years of Economic Depression, Brexit and recently in the Washlands behind us, almost Biblical flooding, not to mention Farmers Shoots, Birds of Prey, Foxes, and a lack of regular food and sometimes water, but he’s still here with his little Phes Fam and doing the same by #stayingstrong and remaining #focussed and #pleasant
These times are no doubt difficult for everyone, nobody will be unaffected by this in some way or another, but by remaining strong and focused if not for yourselves for others and those as noted above who are less fortunate and can do little themselves to affect change, then the major positive will be taking back into the world after this passes some better thinking, greater consideration, deeper tolerance and kindness towards others including a renewed understanding of why having objectives and a focus is so important in any walk of life.
So, stay positive, and if in doubt just focus and be pleasant like a Pheasant!
